The Griffiths Question Map (GQM®)

What is The Griffiths Question Map (GQM®)?

The Griffiths Question Map (GQM®) is a completely unique method of analysing interview skills and has been used across the world in both training and case review situations. Originally developed as a training and assessment too, the GQM® uniquely plots question usage and subject coverage in any interview situation and displays the results as a chronological map of the whole interview. The completed map has been shown to have intuitive face validity in that interviewers can immediately see the profile of their question strategy. The GQM® is therefore able to improve the questioning skill of interviewers because it of its design, ease of use and practicality.

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When Do I Use The GQM®?

A completed GQM® provides a comprehensive picture of the whole interview. By reviewing a finished GQM® interviewers are able to see the pattern of questions and subject matter that they (or others) have employed and identify appropriate and inappropriate questioning strategies, thereby identifying areas of strength or weakness using the comparison with other maps and/or trainer feedback. An interviewer’s personal development can be charted through self-reviewing earlier maps. These in turn can be compared with other real-life interviews covering similar cases e.g. resistant sex offender or compliant child abuse victim as well as training courses where officers conduct similar role play interviews. The GQM® can be applied to recordings, live interviews or written interview records and can also be used to teach question type awareness to groups by providing completed maps alongside transcripts or recordings. The GQM® can also be used as a broader review tool for judicial or thematic reviews, or in an academic setting for theoretical learning.

How do I create a question map?

Creating the question map takes place either listening to a recorded interview or live. The mapper identifies each question type as it used by the interviewer and then places a dot on the relevant line, moving across the GQM® from left to right as the interview proceeds. The use of appropriate and skilled questions are depicted on the top three lines and, inappropriate questions on the bottom four lines. The dots are joined in order to show the chronology and the question map will quickly start to take shape. This sequence is then followed throughout the interview. 

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The GQM® can be completed in two different ways; using the original paper template or by utilising the software version. Have a look at the video below demonstrating the software, as well as the Output Guide available via the button. You can purchase the software via our partner, Indico Systems. Visit their site here for more details.

Contact us for more information or if you have an enquiry to purchase the software -

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